Food & Beverage Industry - Chicago Web Design Agency | Kreate

Fresh Marketing for Food Brands

Baked just for you

We Fill the Holes in Your Marketing Plan

Donut worry, not everything we do is this punny

We pride ourselves on being a UX agency that designs, develops, and innovates marketing solutions with industry-best practices and good, old-fashioned integrity.

We know the industry

We specialize in strategic marketing and brand development for the food industry. It’s pretty much our favorite industry to work with, and we’ve become quite good at helping companies develop thoughtful and influential brands.

We make your job easier

Getting on the same page will be a piece of cake. We’ve been in the food industry space for years, so we don’t have to play catchup. We know what works and what doesn’t and understand many of the challenges brands face.

We track results

Google Analytics is your friend (and ours too). We’re well-versed in tracking what’s working and identifying what’s not so you can make the most of your time and marketing budget.

Food Identity

Brand Culture

Brand Culture sets you apart, for better or worse. It’s crucial to get it right. We’ll help you cook up the perfect image and everything that goes with it so you can showcase your products, mission, and employees in a way that is true to you and attracts your target market.

Position in Market

How do consumers feel about your products? How do you want them to feel about your brand? We can help you refine your positioning to preserve the customer base you already have while attracting new ones and growing market share.

Visual Components

If everything else is the icing, visual components are the cake. Our experience in the food space will help you design logos, graphics, and advertisements that evoke a positive emotional response and keep customers coming back for second (and third, and fourth) helpings.

Packaging Design

More than a pretty face

We understand that every decision you make about packaging influences how consumers view your product (and whether they buy it). Together we’ll design and select the right images, font, amount of text, colors, spacing, and everything else to help your products fly off the shelf.

Online Presence

Because the internet can make or break you

Consumers are becoming more investigative and savvy in the digital age - particularly when it comes to anything they put in their mouths. Your website helps them learn about your brand and product portfolio, inspires consumer confidence, and gets them excited to try your food. Or not. We’ll make sure you fall into the former category.

Fully editable content management system behind every website

User experienced carried over from small to big devices without sacrifices

Clean code, fast performance, and website optimized for all kinds of search engines

Featured Projects

Just a taste of what we do

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